Daftar Isi Aplikasi Buku Prakarya Kelas 10 Kurtilas
Bab 1 Wirausaha Kerajinan dengan Inspirasi Budaya Nonbenda
Bab 2 Wirausaha Produk Teknologi Transportasi dan Logistik
Bab 3 Kewirausahaan Pengolahan Budi daya Tanaman Pangan
Bab 4 Kewirausahaan Pengolahan makanan Awetan dari Bahan Nabati
Bab 1 - 2 Wirausaha Kerajinan dengan Inspirasi Objek Budaya Lokal
Bab 2 - 2 Wirausaha Produk Grafika
Bab 3 - 2 Kewirausahaan Budi Daya Tanaman Hias
Bab 4 - 2 Kewirausahaan Pengolahan Makanan Awetan dari Bahan Hewani
Table of Contents Kurtilas Grade 10 Craft Book Application
Chapter 1: Entrepreneurial Crafts with Non-Cultural Cultural Inspirations
Chapter 2 Entrepreneurship in Transportation and Logistics Technology Products
Chapter 3 Entrepreneurship of Food Crop Cultivation
Chapter 4 Entrepreneurship in Processing Food Preserved from Vegetable Ingredients
Chapters 1 - 2 Entrepreneurial Crafts with Inspiration from Local Cultural Objects
Chapter 2 - 2 Graphic Product Entrepreneurs
Chapter 3 - 2 Ornamental Plant Cultivation Entrepreneurship
Chapters 4 - 2 The Preservation of Food Processing Entrepreneurs from Animal Materials